Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Perfect Food for Hormone Imbalance, Anxiety, Energy, Sleep, and Libido

Maca Powder is a magnificent mix of fiber, carbohydrates & minerals consumed by the Incan warriors prior to battle. This superfood helped increase their fighting spirit, libido, stamina, and strength.

Maca powder has undoubtedly become very popular among athletes because of its rich content of nutrients,also for hormone imbalance.

What is Maca Powder?

Maca powder comes from a plant native to the high Andes of Peru. It is abundant with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and essential amino acids. In Peru, it is known as ‘aphrodisiac of the Andes’.

Maca powder contains:

–Vitamins B1, B2, C, E,
-Minerals and trace elements including potassium, iodine, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, sulfur, bismuth, silicon, boron, tin, and silica.
-Fatty acids, complex alkaloids, and sterols.

Maca Powders Can Boost Your Sex Drive Naturally: Health Benefits
Maca powders have the ability to improve fertility. According to lab studies conducted on rats, after being fed Maca males rats increased their sperm count, and female increased egg follicle development. In Peru, Maca is used to improve strength as well as fertility.

This powder contains unique compounds as macamides and macaenes which can significantly boost your health energy levels. Moreover, Maca powder has a high content of iron, manganese, and phosphorus, and can fight fatigue.

This incredible powder works directly on your endocrine system and helps balance the hormones in your body. It can encourage the body to produce its own hormones in order to restore balance and we all know that hormonal regulation is extremely important for almost all processes of the body. Maca powder is also beneficial for easing PMS symptoms because it provides the body with the needed nutrients so it can be able to naturally produce hormones.

It is a great source of unique alkaloids and numerous vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, it possesses adaptogenic properties which produce an adaptive response to stress, thus strengthening the body and improving stamina.

This powder also has the ability to increase libido in both men and women. According to many studies, maca powder can boost your sex drive naturally.

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