Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Best Food Guide For Menopause

Proper nutrition during menopause will help keep you fit and reduce the risk factors that favor the development of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. For that reason, in sumedico.com we give you this food guide for menopause.

Feeding for menopause

The menopause or the climacteric is a stage of transition between 40 and 50 years of a woman’s life in which there is a reduction in the production of female sex hormones. It usually manifests itself with an irregular menstrual cycle, sometimes without ovulation until there comes a time when menses disappear, as well as reproductive capacity.

The symptomatology that occurs during this stage can have psychic and physical consequences, since there are usually a series of physiological changes due to the lack of estrogen, such as sweating, hot flashes, irritability, vaginal dryness, anxiety, and so on.

In addition, changes in body composition are also evident as there is usually an increase in fat mass and a decrease in muscle mass, leading to an increase in weight.

During menopause, it also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, since risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes or hypertension may appear. The risk of osteoporosis also increases, since at this stage, due to the decrease in female sex hormones, bone decalcification occurs with serious repercussions, as the risk of bone fractures increases.

Therefore, feeding for menopause will be key in the prevention of these risk factors, but above all, it will be from the early stages of life.

Milk and its derivatives

Milk and other dairy products provide us with significant amounts of calcium, an essential mineral for the formation and strengthening of bones.

The low intake of this essential nutrient is directly related to the reduction of bone mass and premature deterioration of bones, so it is vital to include it in the food for menopause.

Unless you suffer from lactose intolerance, it is advisable to consume this type of food at least three times a week.

These include:

-The natural yogurt
-The cheeses
-The ice cream

Blue Fish

Bluefish and cod liver oil are healthy sources of vitamin D, a fundamental nutrient for bone health since it is essential in the process of calcium absorption.

This type of food decreases the loss of bone density and, in turn, minimizes the negative effect exerted by free radicals.

To make matters worse, they are one of the best sources of essential fatty acids, such as omega 3, needed to protect the cardiovascular system and cells.

Nuts are one of the best foods for women’s health, before, during and after the menopause stage.

These foods are loaded with essential fatty acids, vitamin D, calcium and other important nutrients that counteract the effects of hormonal decontrol.

Regular intake reduces the risk of obesity and, if that is not enough, improves muscle and bone health.

In addition, they minimize the drop in estrogen levels, so they fight the demineralization of the bones.

Legumes are another essential food in the diet of women who will soon begin their stage of menopause.

These are a healthy source of calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus, three minerals needed to strengthen the bony pieces.

Its regular consumption counteracts the loss of minerals caused by hormonal decontrol and, in turn, takes care of muscle mass.

Some of the most outstanding are:

-The beans
-The lentils
-The chickpeas
-The carob
-Peas or peas
-Soy or soy

Green leafy vegetables

The usual consumption of green leafy vegetables is healthy for any time of life.

In this special case, it is convenient to increase their intake, not only because they represent a significant source of calcium, but because they provide iron, phosphorus and other minerals that decrease when they reach menopause.

Its plant proteins protect bone, joint and muscle health, reducing the susceptibility to trauma and fractures.

They also provide a very important amount of vitamin K, a nutrient recognized to be key in the metabolization of osteocalcin, which is necessary to avoid bone malformations.

Among the green vegetables include:

-The spinach
-The cabbages

Fortified cereals
Cereals fortified with calcium and vitamin D are a healthy option to protect bones both in the early stages of life and in adulthood.

Its intake before and during menopause helps to minimize the negative effects of hormonal imbalance.

In turn, it helps reduce symptoms such as hot flashes, excessive sweating and sudden changes in mood.

Positive changes in diet are one of the best ways to prevent the development of serious disorders when you reach menopause.

Try to increase the intake of the mentioned foods and, at the same time, decrease the consumption of soft drinks, sugars and other refined.

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