Sunday, December 24, 2017

3 IN 1: That Gives A Low Blow To Overweight, Cleans The Colon and Deflates The Belly

Health is the subject of the most talked about in the different forums throughout the internet. And for no one is a secret that, without health, nothing else is worth anything else. And being healthy is the goal of all people.

Therefore, many women especially seek to lose weight while they cleanse their intestines. To date, this task was almost impossible, but we already know how to achieve it easily.

It is a totally natural shake that helps us lose weight without much effort. In addition, because of its large amount of nutrients, it is able to activate the intestinal system. As a result, the intestine performs a deep cleansing of itself, eliminating toxins. This, in turn, will be reflected in our skin and overall health.

The star ingredient of this milkshake is papaya or milky, a very nutritious fruit. It is rich in papain, a substance that helps us to similarly better nutrients, likewise, facilitates the digestion of hard foods to process.

A great difference of this natural laxative to those manufactured by large industries is that this does not bring side effects. Likewise, it does not cause damage to the intestinal flora, so that the balance of intestinal microbes is not lost. These have the function of helping us to process and assimilate the nutrients.

In addition to papaya, this shake is also prepared with oatmeal. This other ingredient is rich in different vitamins and minerals essential for good health. In fact, having a large amount of fiber, it helps us lose weight and protects our heart. Another of its advantages is that it gives us the feeling of fullness. Therefore, we will stop this snack between meals, something that contributes to overweight.

The best option to consume this shake is for breakfast. In this way, we can start the day with the necessary nutrients for the day. Thus, we will have enough energy to perform our daily activities. But without further ado, let’s explain how to prepare and use that beat.

What we will need:

  • -100 grams of oat flakes
  • -1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • -150 grams of chopped papaya
  • -200 ml of vegetable milk
  • -Ice

Preparation and use mode:
To begin, we must peel and chop the papaya into small pieces so as not to force the blender. Next, we will put the fruit in the blender and add the other ingredients. Then, we liquefy everything together until we get a homogeneous substance. If we want the batter to be more refreshing, we can add ice to the batter.

You must consume at least 2 glasses a day from this shake. The first should be for breakfast, as we had previously recommended. The second glass should be consumed mid-morning, as a placement. With this, we will achieve less hunger at noon, which will give the intestinal system more time to activate.

Something that you must keep in mind, is that you can add the consumption of others to accompany this whipping in the mornings. Among them, you can choose the raisins of grapes, cereals, nuts, etc. We have to consume it for a whole week and then rest for a week. If necessary, we repeat the complete cycle again.

If you’re looking to keep your bowels detoxified, then you should repeat this process every 3 months. If you do that, you will not only get a flat and slender belly, but your intestines will be healthy. Thanks for reading this information.

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