Monday, November 5, 2018


The tooth is a very important part of our body, which helps to eat food, fruit, and many other eatable things. Teeth work as a machine to chew and cut eatable product. We should care our teeth from cavities,  germs and plague,  therefore  brush your teeth twice in a day regularly. Now a days lots of people facing dental problems every day because they do not care their teeth due to busy schedule. Brush is a way to remove germs, decay, and yellow color.

If you follow some basic things regarding to the teeth then you protect teeth from germs, cavities and many other harmful diseases.

There are 6 tips to keep your teeth healthy and strong

1-You should brush your teeth properly twice in a day . The germs are active after some hours so in the morning to brush your teeth  before to eat and in the night after you eat so that protect your teeth from germs and cavities.

2- You should use clean water to wash your mouth after the brush. The massage is necessary for  the gums  because teeth depend upon your gums if your  gums are not strong then your teeth will be broken very early.

3-Don’t  eat biscuits, toffee, and junk food and if you eat these thing wash your mouth properly otherwise germs are active on your teeth and resulting it carries to cavities and other teeth related problems.
4-Don’t take hot things or food like- Tea, coffee, Bread, and other  junk food because teeth  cells effect from hot things and then,  after some days your teeth will be damaged and starting pain when you eat something.

5-Don’t take so much cold things or products  like – ice-cream, cold water, cold drink and many other products which are too much cold keep away from these things. These things are harmful to your teeth therefore avoiding too much cold things on a daily basis.

6-Check up is also necessary for your teeth within three months, it helps to protect your teeth . The dentist can prescribe you  about how to take care your teeth properly? If you feel something wrong with your teeth immediately meet to your dentist and share problem regarding teeth.

The conclusion is that if you are aware about  your teeth and  want to protect your teeth then follow the above basic thing, keep healthy your teeth for a long time in the future.

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