Sunday, December 24, 2017

7 Home Remedies To Repair Split Ends Before Cutting

Many times we have damaged and dry hair but we do not want to cut it. This is reflected especially in our tips when they are open. Is it your case? Do not worry. Today we have brought you the best home remedies to repair your hair before cutting it. Do not miss it!

Remedy # 1

We need:

– Two tablespoons of almond or olive oil
– One spoonful of honey
– A little hot butter

For the application of this mask we can use both a plastic bottle with dispenser and brush . This treatment is done from the middle of the hair towards the tips . Once the mixture is applied, we pick up the hair and let it act between 20 or 30 minutes . Afterwards, we rinse it twice with shampoo and it would be ready.

Remedy # 2


– Two spoons of brown sugar
– One tablespoon of almond oil
– One tablespoon of argan oil

We must mix everything perfectly well . We take it little by little and massage our scalp in the form of circles. Then we will add a second mask :

– 1/4 cup of olive oil
– 1 tablespoon of maple syrup
– Half ripe banana – Half a cup of water – 3 tablespoons of lemon – 2 tablespoons of honey We liquefy the banana, then in a bowl , we mix all the ingredients . We try to integrate it in the best possible way. Then, we light the fire in the kitchen and heat the mixture until it is a little thicker. When it cools, we should put it from middle to ends with a comb or with our hands. Then with a bath cap , we covered our hair, we waited a while. Once the waiting time was over, in the bathroom, we rinsed our hair twice and it would be ready.

Remedy # 3

The ingredients that we will need are:

– Butter
– 1/2 glass of vinegar
– 1/2 tablespoon of lemon juice
– 500 ml of warm water

We make a mixture with vinegar, lemon juice and warm water . We apply the butter on the tips and cover them with a warm moist towel. We let it act for 15 minutes and wash it with the previous mixture.

Remedy # 4

We will need:

– Almond oil
– 1 egg
– 1 tablespoon of honey

We mix theAlmond oil with a little beaten egg and a spoonful of honey . We apply it twice a week on the tips and you will see how your hair will improve.

Remedy # 5

– Half a lemon
– Natural yogurt

This remedy is very simple. Mix a yogurt with lemon juice in the bowl . We put it on the hair and let it act for 15 minutes .

Remedy # 6

– Egg yolk
– Three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
– 1 tablespoon of honey , how much purer, better

We must mix all three ingredients well . We divide our hair in two. Then, the first section we untangle it very well , especially in the area of ​​the tips. Once this is done, we separate it again into two sections and apply the mixture at the tips , emphasizing this area. When we are finished, we put on a hat , we give a little heat with the help of a hair dryer or the sun, and let it rest for an hour . Once the time has passed, wewe rinse the hair . And finally, we can use a little argan oil to keep it always healthy.

Remedy # 7

– Olive oil
– Vitamin E , capsules 5
– Oil of argan 100% pure
– Conditioner we use need a bowlto make the mask, a brush and a meter or spoon . We apply our Argan oil , then we use to CEITE olive . We open the capsules of Vitamin E and we throw it out. And finally, the conditioner . We mix everything very well and we begin to apply it from the middle to the ends . For this, we must have wet hair. We can do it in sections or throughout the hair . We make sure that the product stays on the hair properly . We massage it and warm it with our hands.

We leave it around15 or 20 minutes . Then, we will wash our hair and we throw in some conditioner. When we have it clean, we apply three droplets of argan oil. It would be ready, we can dry it or leave it on the air.

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